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苗人杰1 1. 中国石油大学(华东)新能源学院 
杜正旺2 2. 胜利油田电力分公司 
刘庆宝2 2. 胜利油田电力分公司 
衣京波3 3. 胜利石油管理局胜利发电厂 
宗雪莹4 4. 国网齐河供电公司 
中文摘要:高压配电网备供线路多、网架结构灵活,利用网架重构能够提高系统运行的经济性与安全性,有效降低电网阻塞风险。为实现高压配电网拓扑放射性约束的在线实时判别,针对其拓扑结构特点对其进行分区,同时考虑网络拓扑放射性约束的必要条件与不可开断支路缩小分区网络拓扑可行解搜索空间,提出快速判别算法。构造了以网损率、110 kV线路负载率均方差、220 kV变电站负载率差异度均方差的高压配电网多目标优化重构模型,以支路通断状态为控制变量应用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)求解,并将分区网络支路集合作为遗传算法交叉与变异的操作对象,加快智能算法的寻优速度。以某城市电网为例进行仿真分析,结果表明,所提模型能够有效降低网损,提高系统全局的负荷均衡性,消除局部输电阻塞,同时拓扑约束分区判别能够有效提高算法的求解效率,满足在线实时重构的要求。
中文关键词:高压配电网  拓扑分区  网络重构  高压独立子网  多目标优化  NSGA-II
Optimal Reconfiguration of High Voltage Distribution Network Based on Topology Partition Parallelization
Abstract:The high-voltage distribution network has many standby lines and a flexible grid structure, and grid reconstruction can be used to improve the economy and safety of the system operation and effectively reduce the risk of grid congestion. In order to realize the online real-time discrimination of the radioactive constraints of the high-voltage distribution network topology, the network is partitioned according to the characteristics of its topological structure, at the same time, considering the necessary conditions of the radioactive constraints of the network topology and unbreakable branches to narrow the feasible solution of the partitioned network topology, a fast discriminant algorithm is proposed in this paper. A high-voltage distribution network multi-objective optimization reconfiguration model is constructed of the network loss rate, 110 kV line load rate mean square error, and 220kV substation load rate difference mean square error and the branch on-off state is used as the control variable and NSGA-II is applied to solve the model. The set of partitioned network branches are used as the operation object of crossover and mutation to speed up the optimization speed of the intelligent algorithm. Taking a city power grid as an example, the results show that the model can effectively reduce the network loss, improve the overall load balance of the system, and eliminate local transmission congestion. At the same time, the topological constraint partition discrimination can effectively improve the efficiency of the algorithm and meet the online requirements.
keywords:high-voltage distribution network  topology partition  network reconfiguration  high-voltage independent sub-network  multi-objective optimizations  NSGA- II
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